Friday, March 26, 2010

I made it (eventually)

Hey all

Well this adventure started at Pearson, upon my attempt to check in a whole lot of head shaking began. Turns out my flight to Newark was seriously delayed and I was informed there was no way I'd make the connecting flight to Delhi.

The Continental agent managed to put me on stand-by to Frankfurt (why is it I only fly stand by when I'm heading half way around the world?) , a 6 hour layover in Frankfurt and then on to Delhi. I do have to give Frankfurt airport a shout out as the little carts are only used occasionally, most staff are on bicycles. Getting me into Delhi and through customs by 3am. Our driver (who will be with us for a chunk of the India tour) was there to meet me (even with the new times) and took me to my prepaid hotel for a couple of hours before my train was to leave.

Driving in this country is nuts. Whether 3am or mid day the roads are always packed and the horns seem to be connected directly to both the accelerator and brake pedals. Got to the train station and Rakesh even took me to my specific seat before heading out. Talk about a whole lot of people, it seems that as long as it's done gently, pushing is an acceptable behaviour.

The train ride itself was quite lovely. I was sitting with another Canuk, American & Japanese girl. We yacked for the entire ride (getting my talking in now before the ashram!) The American girl had spent extensive time in India and arranged a cab for me. Only challenge the cab driver didn't speak English, didn't know exactly where he was going, and it turns out - can't actually get there from here. After a couple of hours on the road (during which time we nearly missed 2 cows and countless vehicles), we called the ashram they've led us to a foot bridge (bless him, he carried my pack the whole way over) and I'm talking a break to get this to you before I take another cab on this side of the river the last 5K.

Not sure how frequently I'll be able to post this week as I think I need a bit of time away from traffic and I believe this is the closest internet.

But I thought I'd let you know that I'm here safe and looking forward to a bit of yoga and meditation.

I have no doubt that I'm looking pretty glamourous right now : )




  1. Glad to here you made it.
    I fixed your comments!
    no go meditate!!


  2. Glad you made it safely. Have a wonderful time at the ashram. OHMMMM......

