Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monkey Brain!

Hello from Northern India, where apparently, it's cool out! ('bout 35 degrees today). I'm having a great time and have met some wonderful people. I will admit to missing a couple of things at home (other than my boys, I look at their pictures daily and they often drift into my meditation).

Speaking of which, I've discovered that I kind of suck at meditation. My brain has been compared to a "drunken monkey with a pointy stick". It's amazing just how accurate that description is...

I'm actually doing quite well with the silence all morning. My biggest challenge, having grown up Scottish, is staying quiet at meals. It's actually quite peaceful.

My yoga is coming along well, and my meditation is at least improving! We do yoga on the roof for both sunrise and sunset overlooking mountains, the garden, lush forrest and the river Ganga. It's stunning to say the least!

every day we've been doing walks which have taken us to beaches, waterfalls and streams -it's all so beautiful up here.Yesterday we hiked to a waterfall that looked like something right out of avatar; I climbed up into the caves behind the falls, the cool water being such a contrast from the heat. I have a feeling this place will be a fav within India. I love the country side, even the small town nearby is all about the pushing and shoving (politely though), I guess that's just the way.

Hope all is well with all of you. I can probably get back on Saturday am, as the ashram is substantially out of town and a bit of a challenge to get to. But today we managed to flag a cab on the country road.



  1. Why does it always come back to monkeys with you? Perhaps you have started channeling the monkey king in your mediation attempts? See you soon in Delhi!

  2. That's it you have a new nick name.
    Hi "drunken monkey"

    drunken monkey has a nice ring to it don't you think?

    glad you are enjoying the ashram


  3. Hi Lesley!
    So glad that you made it there okay - albeit with an adventure to get to the adventure. ;-)

    Meditation is definitely a learned art - at least you're giving it a shot. "Drunken monkey with a pointy stick"...hmmm, what exactly have you been doing during your meditation? ;-p

    Would love to see pictures when you can get them uploaded!

    And enjoy the "cool" weather - we Canucks really don't know "warm" weather do we?

    Best wishes, tt
