Monday, March 22, 2010

the packing begins

Trying something new on this trip - packing more than 24hrs in advance. Started this afternoon, and got distracted within a couple of hours (45 min of which was spent looking for my swimsuit).

The great debate was deciding which backpack to bring with me. My old standard is starting to show it's wear and looks like it's already spent a month in India. So Paul was kind enough to offer me the use of his pack and after a period of resizing - Paul's pack wins! Now to fill it. That which is currently spread out over the entire floor of the spare room will need to go into a pack that I'll be heaving around for the next two months. Was planning to have everything packed this afternoon, I guess that will have to happen tomorrow.

Many of you having been asking about Paul & Hudson. Without a doubt, being away from them will be the hardest part of this trip for me. No worries, though we have someone making sure that they're fed and watered...