Friday, April 9, 2010

early morning giggle

Just wanted to share a quick moment I saw this morning. As those of you who know me understand that I'm not the swiftest bunny first thing in the morning, you'll understand when I was starring blankly at a fruit cart. Next thing I know a dark figure appeared behind said cart. Then a head of the most lovely cow came up over the edge to smell the oranges, limes and lemons. The owner of the juice cart had wandered off and this was the cow's big chance!

She wandered over to the far end and proceeded to find the small container of freshly squeezed juice. She happily lapped it up until the cart owner, saw what was happening and chased her off.

Yeah! Cow got some juice - go cow, go!


  1. Did you think to take a picture?

  2. Did she save any for you? :)


  3. I totally wanted to take a picture, but as it was a choice of dig for my camera or enjoy the moment - I chose to enjoy the moment...

    Who wrote that anyway? : )

