Friday, April 23, 2010

farewell India, hello Nepal

Sorry for the delay, there were supposed to be a couple of opportunities for me to get a blog entry in this week that didn't actually materialize. Largely the internet in Mumbai, didn't really happen, I was hoping to post some photos - but it was taking forever, and as it is Sandy's netbook, I did kind of need to share... a few did make it onto my facebook page, so for those of you who are on that you can see some kayaking & body surfing ones there.

Since I left off, I had been wanting to take a cooking course while I was in India as I love Indian food. Although I'll be honest that on this trip I've been a little disappointed as I guess I was expecting the food to be like when you go to Thailand. If you like Thai food, the food in Thailand is amazing! The Indian food here, isn't really any better than you can find in some good Indian restaurants in T.O.. Oh well, I've enjoyed it none the less.

So I signed myself up for a cooking class, Sandy wanted to have no part of it. I met a lovely young woman who taught me how to make veggie masala (without using stuff from a jar!). It was really good, and surprsingly easy. It gave me the confidence to experiment more at home.
I also learned that not only are school all private here, but most of them teach strictly English until about gr 3, as they figure the kids are getting Hindi at home - interesting concept!

The remainder of the day was spent lounging and shopping. The next morning I had something that didn't agree with me at breakfast, so the remainder of the day was spent lying in bed, moaning as my stomach wretched. Fun way to spend my last day in Goa eh?

The following day was spent getting to the aiport and flying to Mumbai. Eventually we made it to the hotel and just took it easy as the internet was moving at turtle speed. Only really interesting moment was being asked for our boarding cards as we were getting off the plane.... (and yes, we had been asked for it when we got on). Off the plane... I kept waiting for the guy to smile and let us in on the joke - but no... that wasn't to happen, that's just India.


  1. you are sure it was somethung you ate a breakfast and not the cooking class.


  2. haredy har har

    especially now that I know it was food poisoning!
